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Getting started

Setup your new Appointlet account

Jared Morse avatar
Written by Jared Morse
Updated over 3 years ago

This article is for the Legacy version of Appointlet. Click here for the instructions on the most recent app version.

For a complete video tutorial and walkthrough of account configuration, please see our Youtube Playlist here

Appointlet allows you to provide excellent client scheduling support through a few key features. 

Each Member in your company can be set up according to their unique availability. You can also pre-configure the types of services you offer through a feature called Meeting Types

By establishing your meeting types in advance, users will be able to easily select both the person and the kind of service they wish to schedule.

Four key steps to start accepting bookings with Appointlet:

  1. Configure your Meeting Types (the different types of bookings people schedule with you. For example a 15 minute intro call or an hour long consultation)

  2. Create your first member. If you've already done so, adjust your Member's availability (a Member is any person who is going to accept bookings with Appointlet)

  3. Personalize your booking page (the page customers and prospects use to book a time with you)

  4. Share your booking page and start receiving bookings

Configure your Meeting Types

We've created 3 meeting types to help you get started.  You can change, remove, or add Meeting Types as needed. 

Knowing "where" a meeting will take place is critical to its success. You can also personalize the email confirmations and reminders that go out to your customers and prospects.

Adjust your Available Hours

If you connected your calendar then you already have a member set up and can now adjust your available hours (Your default availability is 9:00am-5:00pm Monday through Friday).

If you did not create a member then now is the time! Go ahead and create your first Member in Appointlet.

Check out our Calendar & Availability section for a more flexible setup of your availability, like setting up availability by meeting type and availability by date! 

Personalize your Booking Page

Add your logo and personalize the wording displayed on your booking page. You can also collect additional information from customers and prospects when they book.

Share your Booking Page

Add your booking page to your emails, website or landing pages - wherever your customers and prospects want to reach you. You can directly link to a meeting type or member to make your scheduling more effective. 

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